WELL (8).png


1 | 1-2 | 2 | 2-3 | 3 | All Levels




Flow | Alignment | Restorative | Therapeutic | Tutorial


Inversions & Arm Balances | Calm | Workout | Mobility | Balance | Backbends

Body Part

Hips | Back Body | Core | Spine | Shoulders

Duration: sorts a range with the number you set as the upper limit; Equipment: sort out what you don’t have or search only props you do have.

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“Amy’s live virtual classes make me feel like I never left the studio; yet often, my schedule doesn’t allow me to attend her virtual live classes so I am forever grateful to have access to her library of videos. I tailor my practice to the time I may have, the targeted areas I want to focus on, or just pick a challenge and go for it. Her practice deepens my knowledge of poses I’ve been doing for decades: I finally feel like I’m doing them right! Amy’s practice has a unique, creative, and fun approach and she is always available to guide you. The things I didn’t know I was capable of—from doing splits up a wall, hanging upside down on two chairs, or a lovely classic flow—I feel like the super woman I am when I am done.”

-Jen, 44, Producer

“Amy’s on-demand library is super high quality: it's very much like being there in person. I tap the library when my personal schedule does not allow me to take live classes and can tailor the class to my needs: active, short, recovery, propless, or so much more.”

-Joe, 64, IT Executive Consultant